Resources and Information
»Glaucoma Watch
Colleagues, Please join us at SECO for the first ever OIS in Optometry program.
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Stem Cell Technology
During a webinar on stem cell technology and glaucoma, Dr. Leo Semes showed a video about stem cell research and its application to various diseases.
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»Case of the Month
SLT as First Line Therapy
Dr. Nate Lighthizer discusses the mechanism of action of SLT and its use as a first line therapy for glaucoma patients.
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Diabetic Retinopathy and Omega-3s
Dr. Jim Thimons discusses diabetic retinopathy and the effectiveness of Omega-3 supplements for diabetic patients.
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»Industry News
Nuretin Omega-3 Supplements
PRN has developed nuretin, an omega-3 supplement, to delay the onset and slow the progression of diabetic retinopathy.
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»Case of the Month
Vascular Issues in Glaucoma
Dr. Eric Conley discusses how a vein occlusion in one eye can affect visual fields and RNFL in both eyes.
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Using an OCT to Detect Progression
Dr. Eric Schmidt discusses progression in glaucoma management and the value of using an OCT to assess changes in the RNFL before visual field loss occurs.
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Corneal Hysteresis Measurement
Dr. Jim Thimons discusses corneal hysteresis, a valuable new technology in glaucoma management.
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