Webinars prev

Jan 14 2025

Detailed Webinar Instructions

posted by: Susan Klein

A. Direct Link to Webinar

Link to the webinar: Direct Link to NGS Webinar as emailed to you.
The link will work ahead of the webinar, but the webinar does not start until announced time.
The link goes to the NGS webinar. The first page says "Join the Meeting." Enter your name and email and click Join as a Guest.
Enter Meeting Password (shown in your email)
The next page has the audio/video options described below.

B. Web Browser and NGS WebEx website

Link to NGS WebEx website: https://nationalglaucomasociety.webex.com.
Do not sign in. Your NGS website username and password will not work on WebEx.
Click on the space under Join a Meeting with the words "Enter meeting information" and enter the meeting number shown on your email and click Join.
On the next screen, enter the meeting password listed at the top of the email and click OK.
The next screen shows the meeting details. Click Join Meeting.
On the next screen, enter your name and email address and click Join as a Guest. This brings you to the audio/video page described below.

II. Select Audio-Video Options and Join Webinar:

Make sure your microphone is muted: If the microphone on the bottom of the screen is red, it is muted. If it is not red, click on the Mute button at the bottom of the screen so that the microphone turns red. This refers to sound picked up by computer speakers even if you do not have a stand-alone microphone or headset.
Shut off your webcam/video: If you have a webcam, you will see your image on the screen. Click on the Stop Video button so the camera is red and your image disappears.
Choose how to get audio: "Use computer audio" is the default. If you want to use a telephone to call in for sound, see #1 at the bottom of this email.
Join Webinar: Once audio-video options are chosen, click Join Meeting.

Using a telephone to connect to audio
Using Chat to answer an attendance question
Using a smart phone or tablet to view the webinar

Telephone for Audio: The default is "Use computer audio" to listen to the webinar through your computer or a headset connected to your computer. If you want to use a phone for audio, open the drop-down menu next to "Use computer audio" on the Audio/Video screen and click Call in. Select the options for audio and video (mute microphone, stop video) and click Join Meeting. Once you join the webinar, there is a pop-up with a toll-free number (877-668-4490) and toll number (408-792-6300), along with the access code (meeting number) and your attendant ID. Call the number and enter the access code and ID, as prompted.
Chat: Once you join the meeting, open the Chat window. We use Chat to verify attendance during the lecture when a question is asked by the host. The Chat window is at the bottom right of the screen. Click on the greater-than sign (>) to the left of the word Chat to open the Chat window or click on the Chat icon with the speech bubble at the bottom right corner of the screen. To send a Chat, select "To: Everyone" and put your cursor in the box that says "Enter Chat Message Here." Type your message then hit the send arrow or Enter on your keyboard. If you are on a smart phone, click on the participant icon at the top of the screen or the 3 dots at the bottom to get to the Chat screen. More information about chat is at: www.nationalglaucomasociety.org/articles/view/98.
Using Smart Phone or Tablet: To use a smart phone or tablet, go to the App Store and install the Cisco WebEx Meeting app. More information about using WebEx on a smart phone is at www.nationalglaucomasociety.org/articles/view/136.